Thinking of purchasing a property?
Don’t risk it without getting a Timber pest inspection, what can be a very exciting time can quickly turn to heart ache.
Much of the timber that termites go for in a home is concealed and out of view, they can destroy important structural timbers without you even knowing until it is too late. Our inspections are extremely thorough and reports very detailed, in saying that, be careful when leaving it to an agent to organize you a pre-purchase inspection it is not something we would advise.
If you think you may have termites do not disturb them or try to treat them yourself e.g. spraying them with fly spray. This will not get rid of them, it only makes it harder to eradicate them. Just leave them, call a professional and don’t panic the damage they might do over a day or two is very insignificant.
It is recommended that a termite inspection be carried out once yearly unless the property is considered high risk, depending on how high the risk is to how often an inspection should be carried out. This takes in many factors that in a lot of cases can be easily rectified just by having the knowledge provided to you from just one inspection. For information on how we conduct our inspections click on our termite prevention tab.
Sometimes when active termites are found during an inspection it is recommended to have an invasive inspection to better see the extent of the damage and the best course of action to take in the eradication process. It usually consists of a series of small up to 8mm holes (that are easily filled) to put a borescope camera into to see clearly what is going on inside the wall cavity for example, or prying open a small section of effected timber to determine species of termite. In most cases this causes minimal disturbance to the property and is only carried out with the property owners consent.